Block Reservation System
A real-time block scheduling system is being utilized for the 2020 season to ensure that the maximum number of members have access to the pool. Members can reserve time at the pool by visiting the online pool reservation website. All members from separate households are asked to social distance at least 6’ at all times while on the property.
Reservation Blocks
(Subject to Change)
Monday – Thursday: 11 am – 1 pm | 1:30 – 4:30 pm | 5 – 8 pm
Friday: 11 am – 1 pm | 1:30 – 5 pm | 5:30 – 9 pm
Saturday: 10 am – 1 pm | 1:30 – 5 pm | 5:30 – 9 pm
Sunday: 10 am – 1 pm | 1:30 – 4:30 pm | 5 – 8 pm
The pool will be closed for 30 minutes in-between blocks to allow for sanitation of high-touch areas.
Reservations will open 48 hours in advance.
You may reserve one space per day and must reserve a space for each member of your family. If there is an opening at the session after yours, you will be allowed to return after the 30-minute sanitation closing. You can visit the reservation website or check-in table 30 minutes before your first session is over to check for availability.
Do not sign up for a block if you are not sure you can come.
If you register to extend your session you still need to vacate the pool during the sanitation period.
If you have scheduled a block and cannot attend, please cancel at least one hour prior to the reservation.
If you make a reservation and do not show up without canceling your reservation your family will have a one-week suspension of pool privileges.
In case of inclement weather, you must go to your car or leave the facility.
Before leaving, replace any furniture, pick up litter and sanitize your table and/or chairs
Please be prepared to leave promptly at the end of your session.

Pool Hours
Monday-Thursday, 11 am-8 pm
Session Times: 11:00-1:00pm | 1:30-4:30 | 5-8pm
Fridays, 11 am -9 pm
Session Times: 11:00-1:00pm | 1:30-5:00 | 5:30-8pm
Saturdays, 10 am-9 pm
Session Times: 10:00-1:00pm | 1:30-5:00 | 5:30-9pm
Sundays, Noon-8 pm
Session Times: 10:00-1:00pm | 1:30-4:30 | 5-8pm