1. Do NOT come to pool if you are feeling unwell or have experienced fever, shortness of breath, chills or sore throat in the past 24 hours.
2. When you arrive at the pool, you must check-in inside the Pool House before entering the pool deck.
3. Use of the pool is permitted only when a lifeguard is on duty.
4. Guests:
• No guests opening weekend May 19-21 or May 26-29
• Standard guest policy applies after June 3.
• Guest fees are $10 per person (unless guests are from out of tow) and must be charged to the accompanying member’s account.
• The third Friday of the month is free guest day.
• Guests may not visit the club more than five times per month, including free guest day.
5. Birthday parties: No parties opening weekend May 19-21 or May 26-29. Limited to 25 total attendees, including kids and adults. Standard party policies apply.
6. Proper swimming attire is required at all times. Infants and toddlers who are not fully toilet-trained must wear a swim diaper.
7. The wading pool is for use by children under six years of age.
8. Members are not allowed to distract club staff or personnel while on duty.
9. Running, rough housing or horseplay is not permitted at the facility grounds or on the pool deck. The lower asphalt parking lot is not a play area.
10. Swimming is not permitted in the diving area unless specifically authorized by the lifeguards. When swimming is permitted, no diving board use is permitted.
11. Use of the diving boards requires that:
• Only one person is permitted on the diving board at a time.
• Repeated bouncing on the board is not permitted.
• The diver must ensure the water is clear before diving.
• The diver must use the nearest ladder to exit the pool immediately after the diving or swim beyond the safety divider into the main pool area.
• No lingering in the diving area.
12. Ten minutes before each hour, lifeguards will clear pool for adult-only swim time. The break will be announced and will begin when the pool is clear. During extreme heat over 100 degrees, adult swim time may be extended to 15 minutes.
13. Items NOT ALLOWED at the pool:
No squirt guns or water guns of any kind
No hard sport balls or tennis balls
No large oversized shared floats
No crayons or markers
Please do not let you child spray sunscreen on the pool deck!
14. Items that ARE ALLOWED:
Small, squishy-style pool balls
Baby floats
Any item being misused or negatively affecting other members in the pool will be removed.
15. Members are required to clean up after themselves and dispose of trash in the proper receptacles to help control ants and other pests. The blue recycling receptacles are for aluminum cans only.
16. Children age 10 and older may visit the pool without adult supervision provided an emergency contact information form is on file.
17. Children who are being supervised by a caretaker or babysitter other than a parent, must have a babysitter form on file.
18. The club is not responsible for children who leave the club property without parental permission. Please instruct your children accordingly. Club property does not include the housing development or the development’s dock/platform on Spring Lake. Use by Rockbridge members is prohibited. Trespassers and violators are subject to prosecution by the development owners.
20. The pool has a lost and found where stray items will be kept for one (1) day. Check the area for missing items. Unclaimed items will be disposed of or donated.
21. The pool manager is authorized to enforce all rules and regulations and to take appropriate action to ensure compliance. Failure to follow pool rules and guidelines will result in one-week suspension of pool privileges for family, per the Rockbridge Board. Continued misconduct may result in removal from premises, and possible suspension and termination of membership as stated in Rockbridge Club By-Laws.

Normal Pool Hours
(beginning June 3)
Monday-Thursday: 11 am - 8 pm
Fridays & Saturdays: 10 am -9 pm
Sundays: 11am - 8 pm
Starting June 9, every second Friday pool hours will be 10am - 10pm.
If a home swim team meet is scheduled, the pool will close at 4:00 pm.